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Bloggers challenge and candy

I know I said I would post some blog candy yesterday but I didn't even get near my computer! What a crazy day! I had planned on doing it the night before but...I was in the kitchen doing the dishes and I was so dog tired that I laid my head down on the counter for a minute. My son came into the room and said, "go to bed mom, dad and I will do the dishes." Now, who in thier right mind would turn down that offer? My boys HATE to do anything in the kitchen that doesn't involve eating. I immediately turned off my water(boiling for herb tea) and skedaddled upstairs and went to bed. I'm no dummy! The kitchen was not cleaned to my standards, but I'm not about to look a gift horse in the mouth!

Speaking of gifts, I have a little blog candy offer today. In honor of my 8000 hits, I am offering the following: A simply scrappin kit "Just Delightful", a stamp set "Delight in Life", three mini spools of ribbon, some acrylic tiles AND a copy of the latest book I read, "The Glass House." I wanted the "candy" to reflect me and my blog and the things I like. I love to scrap, stamp and read. Plus, this book is a must read. If you don't win, go find it. It is a true story of a family that lives as no family should have to. My friend Cindy recommended it to me. I was hesitant because she said it was about neglected children. I don't like stories where children are hurt or abused. I am a mom of course. But, I took a chance and read it anyway. I tell ya, I am a GOOD mom compared to these people! I highly recommend it. The candy will come in two packages since I will be sending you a Brand New copy of the book. What a deal! To enter the drawing for this candy, please post a comment to this post telling me what brings you delight in life. I will pick the most creative answer and announce the winner on Sunday.

I was recently accepted into a bloggers challenge group. I am so excited! We are supposed to post our challenges on Friday so, here you go! Today we are supposed to make something using Designer Paper. These are some cans I am making for a local craft fair this weekend and I happen to be using Designer paper! What a coincidence! Some of you may know that I am LDS. I am big into food storage. I go to a place in Orlando, called the bishop's storehouse, to dry can food like wheat, rice, beans, cocoa, etc, into big number 10 cans. Because of this I have an abnormal amount of #10 cans at my house. I open then with the Pampered Chef can opener so there are not sharp edges. I have been collecting them for a couple months thinking....I can use these for something....(admit it. You do the same thing.) I came up with this cute idea of using the cans for gift bags. I cover them with Designer paper, use my Crop-a-dile to punch hold in it, and use some of that 14 guage wire I bought 6 years ago .... knowing it would use it some make a handle. You might think the handles look freakishly tall, but....picture them loaded up with tissue paper. That is how I will be displaying them.

I am also going to be playing with my new toy today......the Cricut expressions....(can you say WOO HOO!?) so I am sure I will have more stuff to post later today. Kim is coming over to 'help' me figure it out. I'm so excited! Anyway, you may see updates on here later.

Have a great day something creative!!


Connie Babbert said…
Very cool! I LOVE your decorated cans! That snowman one has MY name on it! lol! Great job on the challenge!

I join you in sharing a love of reading...I've not read The Glass House...what great blog candy! What brings Delight in Life to me? I'd have to mention my family as being #1. I'm very proud that my boys have grown into responsible adults, I'm thankful for a marriage that has lasted 28 years, and I'm happy that both sets of our parents are around and enjoying their golden years!

Dorene said…
The greatest delight in my life has been watching my children grow into mature (debateable at times), loving adults. I can hardly believe so much time has flown by and they are settling down and getting married and raising children of their own. Interestingly enough, when my daughter was about 9, she said "why can't you be a 'normal' mom?" (meaning who stays home, bakes cookies, fixes their daughters hair, etc) I told her there is no definition of normal and that as long as she knows how much I love her and can feel that, it's all that matters to me. Now that she is a mom herself, my parenting skills are no longer questioned, now she asks me for the tides have turned.
Kathi said…
I love your blog and all your ideas. Thanks for sharing!
What gives me the greatest delight in life right now? My two bouncy kittens! Rescued from a pound and the other from my vets office, they are learing to play well together...after many 'rough and tumble' evenings. And their sweet nature and loving affection fills an empty space inside to overflowing!
Have a great weekend!
Rita said…
Luv th paint cans!
What brings me delight in my life & always has since the day they were born are my children. They are the center of my universe. They turned out to be such wonderful awesome adults & we are so very proud of them! We have such a close relationship with both. My hubby is secon and of course stamping is a big part of my life right now...I luv it!!! Thanks for the chance at some awesome candy.
Anonymous said…
your cans are great!
my kids would be my greatest delight!
the blog candy is awesome! thanks for a chance to win!
Ellie said…
First off Congrats on your EBUG I own one and LLOOVEE my Bug! As for what brings me joy in life, may sound so cheesy but its so true my children I am blessed w/my babies and each day I have with them is a blessing. Last yr. we lost our oldest DD to SIDS at the age of 2 1/2 months old. Soon after we found out were expecting. God has been with us through our hardship as well as our joys and I look at my children as the biggest joys and miracle in my life and for each moment I get to spend w/ them though at times I am soo tired as I am a SAHM I wouldn't change one sec. of my life because I am honored and happiest being a mom ;)
Cathy M said…
Great cans. I'm delighted to see how many stampers out there enjoy the same thing I love to do. In the blogland you meet new friends, see a lot of artwork that is so inspiring, and great ideas and of course new ways of doing things. Ok I can't forget the sweet candy that blogger share with their readers. Thanks for a chance at your sweet candy.
What brings me delight? I am healthy and happy to be alive. I've lost over 200 pounds in the last 19 months and I'm the healthiest I've ever been! My family, friends and my doggy also bring me joy. Thanks for the chance to win!
Anonymous said…
Wow what a treat! Your projects are wonderful!

Thank you also for the wonderful offering. My greatest delight are the moments I spend with my kids and the look of wonder they have with new experiences.
Lynn Mercurio said…
Boy Beckie, you sure went to town on this week's challenge. Great job with your projects!
jodene said…
Your cans are wonderful!! My family brings me the most delight in my life. I may stress over all the rest, but my family is what relaxes me. Thanks for the chance!
Oh, those are adorable paint cans, you did a great job!
Amy Caraluzzi said…
Great cans! I have one I did long ago that I use as my "scrap recycling can" in my workshops and meetings. It always gets a comment. Yours are all so pretty!!

Super idea for blog candy...I love that you're sharing a bit of yourself with the book most of all!
What wonderful projects! Love them! And fun blog candy too! I'm not one to miss out on blog candy... My delight in life is creativity. Anything from photography, music, drawing, stamping ... as long as I'm being creative, I'm delighted! Enjoy your weekend! -Anna.
Peggy Maier said…
Great cans! I have some I need to get done & you've given me some ideas - thanks! My greatest delight in life are my two children (grown & gone) & spending time with them. My daughter is my best friend & we go shopping (esp. for stamping "stuff"), attend Bible study, etc. Next would be my grandchildren & I guess my husband is in there somewhere - LOL! We'll have been married 43 yrs. next month & there have been a lot of fun times (funny how I've forgotten the bad!) Guess I just have to say my family is my delight!
Cheryl KVD said…
I LOVE this blog candy!!! Of course my daughter and my cat give me delight in my life. However, you need a creative answer. So another thing that gives me delight is getting blog candy in the mail!!! :)
Cheryl KVD
Sara said…
My delight in life... My little BABY girl -ok 17 1/2 month old BABY girl, when she looks at me and says pleassse, who can pass up a sweet little girl who says pleassse??? She is my delight and joy and makes me smile all the time.

Maybe not the most creative but the most irresistible???

Thanks for the opp, love the cans especially the snowman, so cute!
Lauren (mytime) said…
These all came out fabulous. So much work! TFS and playing along.
Cindy Vernon said…
What great candy and your cans are fab! My baby boy brings me delight everyday!
Lilian said…
those cans are adorable! i especially like the green one with the burgandy ribbon!

thanks for the chance to win. :)
Vicki G said…
Your decorated paint cans are the best!!! Love them all. Hope you have fun with your Cricut!!!

Momsnack said…
My delight at this time is a brand new greatgrand-daughter!
Congrats on the hits.
NancyS (momsnack)
Lisa Bohler said…
Love those tins! They are just awesome! Welcome to the BC group, Beckie!
JenMarie said…
What brings me delight in life is Jesus Christ my savior, my wonderful husband, family, and stamping!!!!!!!! I LOVE to read as well, right now I'm working thru the Baxter series by Karen Kingsbury.
What amazing blog candy!!!
Jennifer T in Marietta, GA
Anonymous said…
What brings me delight in life? If you had asked me that 7 weeks ago my answer would have taken longer and definitely NOT what I am about to type now....
So my biggest delight was watching my son hold his brand new daughter (my first grandchild) while welcoming her into the world. THe delivery was an emergency C section so we all were a bit concerned about mom and baby so once he got his hands on that little angel there was not getting her away until the new Mommy was able to get her hands on her...And I thought his most favorite
"thing" were the LEGOS I bought him for his 8th
It was a perfect and touching moment that will forever remain in my heart.
Leigh OBrien said…
So great, Beckie! I love these! Welcome to the group.
Monika said…
My delight are my children 3 and almost 2 years old.I am blessed to have them, cause we didn't think we could have any. They make us laugh and I enjoy the time I have with them, cause they grow up way too fast.
Great blog!
Ida said…
Great job on the cans. They are so festive and fun. - Welcome to the group.
Patsy said…
Cool blog! Love the can idea.
The delight in my life are my kids. They are my greatest creations. I have been very fortunate to have brought 3 wonderful people into this world. They have made me proud all my life. The oldest (son) is 22 and will graduate from Mississippi State this May with 2 degrees--one in marketing and one in real estate; the middle (daughter) is in her first semester of nursing school and doing great; and the baby (son) is 9 and a straight A student who enjoys lifeto the fullest. He makes me laugh!!! Great blog! I will be back soon.
Anonymous said…
Wow! Such cute creations! I am having so much fun with my little family, and I definitely delight in them. :) My dh and I have just one daughter, 21 mos old, and she's hilarious ... usually. :) Thanks!
Lori said…
Welcome to the group, Beckie! You've decorated those containers beautifully.
Jan Scholl said…
My daughter mentors with a group of abused kids and just when you think you have heard it all, you learn for some, life is even crueler.

I get so much delight from kids and animals.Bless the beasts and the children. Tonight while waiting in line at JOanns to buy one peice of foam (it took 45 minutes) the little 3 year old girl behind me was such a chatty cathy asking two college age guys what they were gonna be for halloween and trying on their masks;she had everyone in stitches especially when she told these 20 somethings they had to rethink the costume as neither one of them was remotely scary. Now she was gonna be a jack in the box and popping out of a mom made costume was gonna be a lot scarier than being a puppy dog with tail! that is the joy of a child.
Anonymous said…
I love your blog! It makes me smile and I miss your kids! And I love your little crafts you are so creative. I am so not. Though I've had to get creative on planning my own wedding haha. But I thought I'd answer your blog challenge b/c I had to think about it.

Of course my family would be the first answer and my fiance and my nieces and nephews. But most recently I thought was my volunteer work in Dallas. I worked with abused and neglected children in foster care. One day waiting on watching a parent visit with their child I got to sit in the kids waiting room and watch them play. Every single one of those kids had been neglected or abused or both. I didn't know each of their stories, but watching them laughing and playing and each of them being so kind and respectful of the others made me smile. No matter what they had been through they could still smile.
I realized sometimes us as adults have a bad day and we take it out by being cranky to either our family or people on the street. But these little children who have been through god knows what were just the happiest little things. Getting to work with my one child each week always brought me such delight. Sorry it's a bit long. Oops!
Linda SS said…
My delight in life are my 3 sweet little grandchildren. They completely melt my heart:)
Lila H said…
Love these decorated cans!! What a perfect reason to keep all that stuff we do - cause I need and will use it someday.... great job!
Anonymous said…
I get so much enjoyment doing things with my family. Also, very thankful for my wonderful neighbors, who are my friends--many of them like to scrapbook and stamp----we have so much fun.
Linda Peterson
Angel said…
Your paint cans are awesome!! What brings me delight in life? My kids! Absloutely~!
Pat Huntoon said…
Love the decorated cans! No need to enter me in the drawing, I just wanted you to know that I appreciate your art!
Anonymous said…
Beckie, I love your BLOG I often come for inspiration and LOVE the cans.
Besides my family and children bringing Delight in Life, I have to say watching the Lord answer Specific prayers often brings Delight to my life. Not knowing how things are going to work out, then asking Him and waiting (not always patiently) for him to answer and work it all out has been very satisfying. And it shows my children how wonderful and powerful God is.
debsdialogues said…
Do I have to limit what delights me to just one thing? Because there are many things!!!
1 -Seeing a great use for items I'd normally just trash (like your gorgeous #10 cans),
2 -Seeing my sink shine and sparkle because that means all my dishes are done and the counter is cleaned off!
3 -Getting a phone call from a friend
4 -Balancing my checkbook and finding out there is still money in the account!
5 -The smell of freshly cut grass right after a rain, the rainbow of colors in a fruit salad, or the smell of bread right from the oven.
6 -Seeing one of my children show kindness or patience to another one of my children
7 -Blog candy!!
8 -Seeing my words and photos in print!
9 -Being with a group of friends laughing to our hearts content
10 - and finally, waking up each morning knowing it's a fresh slate.

Claudia Perry said…
your tins are just way cute. Love them!
Marilyn said…
Delight in life comes in many forms for me, with them changing and refining as I grow older. A little baby (now grandchildren) snuggled up under my chin, as we rock and delight in each others touch; my purring cats snuggling with me for some lovin', a beautiful sunrise or sunset, and watching all of the flowers and ivies in my porch planters as they grow and fill out over the summer, which gives me such delight in the glorious colors they provide. My best delights are derived from seeing and touching.
Shelby said…
Those tins are GORGEOUS!

The greatest delight in my life has been finding the love of my life and realizing that we were meant to be together.

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