Have you ever read the book the Five Love Languages? I highly recommend it for everyone. It not only tells you how to better relate to others, but also helps you understand what makes you tick as well. After reading the book, I realized I am totally a "words of afformation" person. That means, when people praise me or tell me I'm doing a good job, it totally makes my day. So, that being said, my day was totally made today by Sherrie! She nominated me for this blog award. She also said some very nice things about my blog. Yes, I am feeling the love today! Thanks Sherrie!! Now, I get to pass along the love to 7 more bloggers. It is so hard to chose, so I am picking some new blogs I have found recently. Here goes!
Asela Hopkins
Becca Freeka
Cindy Lawrence
Elizabeth Wickland
Kurtis Amundsen
Linda Duke
Mercy Kerin