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A Hot and Wild Time

My nose is running, my eyes are burning, hands are pruney...what? No, I'm not sick, I'm canning again! I ran out of my homemade salsa this weekend. Horrors!! I tell ya, after making my own....I don't want that store bought stuff any more! I just happened to be passing my favorite veggie stand and they had tomatoes! So, I decided to fix my "no salsa" problem today. Of course, they didn't have any I ended up getting those at the grocery store. These are not exactly a high ticket item so I didn't mind. I got two boxes of tomatos, a mere 50 pounds, but I only managed to finish one box today. I guess I know what I'm doing tonight!

Last night I stayed up and stamped a bit. It is so nice to be able to stamp AT my desk! I didn't even have stuff on my lap! Amazing! I have everything I need within arms reach. Well, except all my stamps, but...I can lean over really far and reach a lot of them. I am still attempting to slog my way through a lot of my paper scraps, so here we go! This 5-1/2 x 5-1/2 card is made with a pretty in pink card base, some retired SU Love Ya patterned paper and vanilla cardstock. I used my cutter kit to cut the curvy edge on the vanilla cardstock. The elephant is stamped with Bliss Blue, the heart flower is made with the M3. I used celery to draw the stem and leaves and the regal rose to make the heart. If you don't know how to do this, just use the tip of your brush marker and push down to make each hump of the heart, the tip of the brush meets at the bottom of the heart. Clear as mud?? The ribbon is the tafetta cream. The buttons are from the SU SS collection from a few years ago.(more scraps!)

This card just made me happy! So.... I made another one with the same Wild about you set. This one uses another retired Patterned paper. I know I am not the only one missing this Spring Showers paper. It was my favorite!! (that probably explains why I have so much of it left!) I stamped the giraffe with basic brown onto watercolor paper. (yes, I think I need a refill for that pad....note to self...) I used my aquapainter to add some bliss blue around the giraffe. The spots are colored in with the blender pen and ink from my chocolate chip pad. I double mounted him onto saffron and chocolate chip. The brown stripe is chocolate chip paper. I scalloped the bottom of the front of the card with the corner rounder. The brads are some cheap ones I picked up at Joanns for a dollar or so...they are light blue. The wild about you is stamped with chocolate chip and punched out with the word window punch. When I was done, I went back and highlighted the eyelashes with my black journaling pen so you can see them it possible to 'highlight' something with black?? something to ponder today....
I did another couple of cards but I will save them for tomorrow.
Here is my recipe for salsa:
25 pounds of fresh beefsteak tomatoes chopped into fairly small chunks
4 yellow oninons pulverized with my Pampered Chef chopper
8 Jalepenos (same as onions)
4 Tablespoons salt
3 Tablespoons minced dry garlic
2 Tablespoons Black pepper
I mixed it all up, put it into quart jars and cooked them in my oven at 275 degrees for 1 hour. I start with a cold oven and set the timer for 1 hour. They only have to cook for 45 minutes, but...this way I don't have to heat the salsa first. This stuff tasted pretty hot before it was cooked....I'm SO looking forward to it!


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