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Sunday, my best friend died. My sweetheart of 20 years died suddenly from diabetes. We didn't know he had diabetes. It came quick and took him from me.
Brad was more than just my husband, he was my best friend. I relied so very much on his strength to guide me and my children through this life. I admit I feel a bit lost without him, already. I had planned on much, much more time with him.
Brad and I met on January 28th, 1989. We were both at a nightclub for under age night with our friends that had dragged us there. We were both ready to leave when we were talked into one more dance. That dance changed our lives. We hit it off right away and danced the rest of the night. In face, we were together from then on. I remember that after that night, I waited all day for his call. It was love right away for me. I felt something I had never felt before and knew that he was the one for me. We dated for six months before Brad went to Texas to go to school. We talked a lot on the phone, and I went to visit him once in the fall. We would have wonderful, long conversations on the phone regularly and decided somewhere along the way that we wanted to get married.
Brad suprised me in December by coming home to visit. It was a Monday. We spent the week together and on Friday night, after a movie, he proposed to me. We were married the next Thursday, on December 28th, 1998.
Brad always made sure he took me on a date every Friday night. Things would sometimes come up and we would switch to another night in the week, but...we didn't miss many dates. It was a priority to him, and to me. We could fight all week, but on Friday....all was well. The song, "Friday, I'm in Love", by The Cure, was definitely our song. He brought me flowers regularly and told me I was beautiful all the time.
Brad was a great dad. He enjoyed playing with his kids, especially when they got old enough to play games with strategy. He taught them how to think things through and to prepare for the future through the games they played.
Brad actually 'caught' 4 of our 6 children. We had them at home, just the two of us. He would read me Shakespeare and play Mozart while I labored. It was a beautiful thing.
I remember best how Brad's eyes would light up when I walked into the room. He always showed me that he loved me. I am a very blessed woman to have had such a wonderful man in my life. I will miss him SO much.
I am so grateful for all the wonderful people that have shared their love with me and my children as we go through this hard time.
It is comforting to me to know that my family has been sealed in the temple and that I will be with my husband again. We will all be together again. I look forward to that day.


Barb said…
Beckie, I am sending all my love, and prayers for you and your family during this difficult time. I am so sorry for your loss, there simply are not enough words available to express what I feel. As you just said in our last conversation "He is one of the good ones". He always will be honey. We're all here for every one of you! You are so loved Beckie!! ~ Barbara
Birdie said…
Your post made me sob. I too am sending my love and thoughts for you and your kids. I remember babysitting for "date night" for you. You guys were the most beautiful couple and best parents. I'm here for anything you need. I am so sorry for your loss but he is still watching over you.
Cheryl said…
Beckie I am so very sorry to hear your sad news. My prayers go out to you and your family. Hugs!!!
Anonymous said…
Beckie, I too am so sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Anonymous said…
How sweet of you to post this about your husband. I know you will miss him very much. My thoughts and prayers are with you & your family.
Carolee W.
Laura W. said…
I follow your blog and love your creations, and I am so sad for the loss in your personal life. I'll be thinking of you in your difficult time, though we've never met. Thank goodness for the knowledge of the Gospel and eternal families.
Marla said…
I just "happened" onto your blog today, and I am so sad for you and your family. I will pray for you, Beckie. Memories are treasures that can comfort the heart at times. May God bless you through this difficult time.
Michelle Tweedy said…
Beckie, I'm thinking and praying for you and the kids constantly. I am so glad that I had the opportunity to know Brad. To have funny memories and that Chuck and I have shared a few date nights with you two. I hope you can feel the big "hug" I am sending to you. Love you.
Anonymous said…
I really enjoyed reading this post! It is a great tribute to Brad and to your family. I remember how much love y'all seemed to have between you and I loved hearing the story of how you met again.

I am sending hugs your way and will continue to keep you all in my prayers.
Anonymous said…
Hugs to you Beckie from a fellow demonstrator. What a nice love story!
Linda Heller said…
Oh Beckie - I don't know what to say and just can't begin to imagine what you are going through. If I lost Matt at such a young age, I don't know how I would handle it. Your post was moving and inspirational. IF you need orders, projects or anything prepared that I can mail to you from Orlando, just ask - I'll do anything I can to help if you need it.
Unknown said…
My heart is breaking for you and your family. I'm so glad that you made all those memories together! Thanks for writing about your husband. It's a beautiful tribute. Prayers and love are covering you during this time.
Kelly Acheson said…
Reading heart breaks for you! I know your grief must be unbearable....but how wonderful that you had such a fabulous man in your life. You are a VERY lucky woman and it sounds like your children were also VERY blessed. Your tribute to Rob was so very very touching. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Connie Babbert said…
Beckie...please know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. How blessed to have him in your life.
Tammy said…
Oh Beckie, I am so sorry for you loss. I can't imagine what you must be going through. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. God Bless.
Diana said…
You are so amazing. I know that this is a difficult time, but we know that you and he are together forever. I love you, and think of you and the children. If you need anything you know you have a huge support system that loves and cares for you. I am far, but my help is near. Thanks for sharing the beautiful memories of Brad.
Thinking of you!
Lynn Mercurio said…
Oh Beckie, I'm so heartbroken for you and your family. What a lovely tribute to him you have so eloquently written. You are in my thoughts and prayers and please know that you are not now or ever alone.

It is my prayer that you find comfort in memories and that somehow you can celebrate his life through those memories. May God bless and keep you and your children.
Diana Gibbs said…
I am so so sorry about the loss of your husband, your best friend, your soul mate. I am sending you the biggest hugs, and I am so glad that you will be together again some day, he will be waiting for you with open arms. Till then, know that you have lots of friends and family here to help you.
I want you to think of Bradley and smile because I believe he knows when you are thinking of him, as will you know when he is thinking of you.
Unknown said…
Oh, Beckie, I can't even begin to imagine the heartache you are feeling right now. I am heartbroken for you. You and your family will be in my prayers and I know that God will be holding you all tightly in His arms.
Sending you much love from Virginia!
Barbara said…
Beckie, What a lovely and warm tribute you have written about your husband. I am so, so sorry for you loss. As I read through your post about your wonderful Brad, I was amazed at how clearly and lovingly you had written. Truly, this was a testament to YOUR strength......This, along with your faith, the many prayers coming your way, your friends and family, and, of course, your stamping, you will do well. (Even if it doesn't seem possible right now.) He'll live on forever in your heart and in those he left behind.....and, yes, one day you WILL be back together once again.
Beckie, I am so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful tribute to your husband by writing this post. Please know that you, your children and the rest of your famiily are in my prayers.
Pat Huntoon said…
Dear Beckie,
I am so saddened for you. My deepest condolences on your loss. My prayers are with you.
Jeannette Swain said…
Dear Beckie,

I'm so very sorry to hear of the loss of your wonderful husband. Reading what you've written has brought me to tears. What a wonderful tribute. Please know that you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.

Lisa Somerville said…

I'm so sorry for your loss. May you find comfort in the loving memories you have. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this difficult time.
Patti Chesky said…
Dear Beckie,

I am SO sorry for the loss of your sweet soulmate. I can't imagine the pain you and your family are going through. Please know that we are all here for you when you need us. Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers....
Patty Bennett said…
My prayers are with you for strength as you go through this difficult time. I'm sooooo sorry for your loss. What a beatiful tribute you have written - I know you will have so many wonderful memories of him to keep in your heart. Sending a hug from California, Patty.
Lisa said…
I am so sorry to read of this tragedy. You don't know me, and I don't know you, but we both know the love of great men. Take care of yourself and your family.
Jane said…
I'm lifting you up....
Susan said…
Beckie...I am so very sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers to you and your family.
Wendyrful said…

What a beautiful love story. You are so strong. Hold on tight to the knowlege that you will be together with Brad again for all eternity.
More (((((HUGS))))) from across the miles.
Nikki Bond said…
So sorry for your loss...thank you for sharing your story with us..he sounds like he was truly a gem!
Beckie, I'm so sorry to hear this. Kimber let us know. I don't know if you remember me, but we were in the same ward when you had your 2nd child & I had my first & we spent every Sunday talking in the mother's room at church. I didn't know your husband but I hurt for you. I will be praying for you and your children. Stay close to the Lord, he will guide you & comfort you through this hard time. Lots of (((hugs))) your way.

Rachelle Smith
Betty Button said…
WOW, I only know you through your blog and this story made me sob. What a wonderful bunch of memories you have. I am so sorry that it ended this way. Bless you and your children for all you have to encounter. Thinking of you from Vermont.
Beckie, you are a strong person. Your tribute to Brad is just gorgeous. How wonderful that you have such beautiful memories of your life with Brad. The suddenness of his death must have you reeling more than I can even begin to imagine. I know that God can and will give you peace that passes understanding and will continue to be there as your strength and guide, much in the same way as Brad was there for you in life. Keep courage, keep looking up - you have a world of support from the far corners of the world!
MJ said…
Beckie, my heart is aching for you at this moment. How truly tragic. I will add you and your family to my prayer list for comfort and strength. God's love and mine.
Karen said…
I am truly saddened by this news. I am sending all my love and prayers your way. You have an amazing family and we miss you. Please know we are thinking of you and your children. We love you.
Dane and Karen Bagley
Jimi said…
Beckie, I am so sorry you lost the love of your life. I can't imagine how painful it must be. You and your children are in my prayers. May God comfort you and give you peace. Jimi Fiedler (friend of Kimber)
Hi Becky -

We miss you!!

Jenni said…
Beck, You and the kids are in our thoughts and prayers. We are so sorry and sad for your loss. We love you so much and wish we were closer to help. Brad was a great guy and we were blessed to know him when you all lived here.
Nancy L. said…
So sorry to hear about your loss (from Karen's G. blog)! Your family will be in my prayers! You have a wonderful story!
Cassie said…
Beckie, I am so sorry for your loss. I will pray for you and your family that God will sustain you all.
AJ said…
My deepest condolences to you and your family. Beckie, you are so brave and strong. Your post is written so eloquently - what a beautiful story. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. xx
Donna Baker said…
so sad to hear of the tragic loss of your best friend and my heart especially goes out to your children since my dad died when I was 9, I know the terrible heartache they are going through. Sending up prayers for you as you deal with the days, months & years ahead without him. Be strong and lean on your family, friends and the Almighty to hold you in His everlasting arms.
for2nately said…
I am so sorry for your loss, from all the comments it looks like you have a lot of people who truly care about you. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. God bless.
Karen Giron said…
Hi Beckie - sending you all my love and prayers. Your love story is beautiful, just like you. Praying the Lord heals your heart and gives you the strength and wisdom to carry on. Miss you.
Terry Molineux said…

I am so sorry for your sudden loss. Most people go through life not even finding anyone and you were lucky to have found a man that loved and adored you and your children.

Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I know there aren't any words that can comfort you now...cherish the memories and know he is watching down on you!!
Allison Barber said…
Beckie ~

Praying for you and your family during this difficult time. My heart is broken for your loss.

Beckie, I'm so very sorry for your loss. What a love story you two had and what a warm and loving tribute you shared with us. Sending you and your family my heartfelt hugs and prayers.
Alanna said…
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. What a tragic loss but how comforting it was for me to see your last part of your post that you have been sealed together as a family and that you know that you will see your husband again someday. My thoughts and prayers are with you and especially your children.
R.H. said…

I worked with Brad for a brief time here at MSFC. He was a great fellow.

I remember that he made it a point to talk to me shortly after my wife was severely injured. As you stated in your words, and as he showed me as we talked that day, he really knew how much a wife and husband mean to one another. Words do not do justice to that special bond.

My heart goes out to you and your wonderful children.

Please lean on family and friends.

We'll pray for your strength & wisdom, and peace for you and your family to endure through this extreme, life-changing event.

Bless you all.

R.H. Coates
Huntsville, AL
Anonymous said…
Beckie, THANK YOU so much for sharing your beautiful store and for sharing such a precious part of your life with us! I am so sorry for your loss. Know that he will be watching over you and your children from heaven and be thankful that he has had such an impact on you and your children that those memories will guide you all through the rest of your lives. Prayers and hugs to and your family are in my heart, thoughts and prayers!!
Andrea said…

What a touching tribute you have left us all to ponder of your wonderful husband, sweetheart, and eternal companion. What a blessing it is to know that you will be together for time and all eternity.....someday!!
What a blessing it is to read all these comments everyone out in the blogging world has left you. What a great comfort that can be for you at this difficult time in your life. To know that you have all these prayers, love, and support from so many people.
May you always turn to the Lord for his comfort and peace, for you and your children.
Take care....and {{{{{Hugs}}}} from California.
~ A fellow blogger
Shannon said…
I am so sorry for you and your family. You are indeed lucky to have had a husband that shared your life and showed you such love. That love will help carry you through. My prayers go out to you and your children.
Julie said…
My husband and I will be celebrating 20 years this June, so your tragedy really hits so close to home. I will be praying for peace in your heart. Know that your stamping sisters are thinking of you.
Anonymous said…
My family's thoughts and prayers are with you and your children during this difficult time.

Janis LU
Jill Whitson said…
My heart cries for you. I have always admired your relationship with your husband. The two of you lead by example and I will be forever blessed knowing the two of you. I pray God will hold you and your family in His hands and comfort you every day. I am here for you and your family. Call when you need anything.
Anonymous said…
Your story was beautiful, I sobbed through it all. I am so sorry for your loss, you will be in my prayers.
Kerry D-C said…
oh Beckie, My heart aches for you and your children. Brad sounds like he was an *amazing* person. Thank you for sharing your love story with us.
(((hugs))) to you and your family.
Bobbie Powell said…
My prayers will be with you all, so sorry.
Kim said…

My heart aches for you during this difficult time for you and your children. Sounds like you spent 20 wonderful years together, I pray that you find comfort in your memories and peace in knowing that you will be reunited one day. God Bless Beckie - you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers!
Anonymous said…

I cant even say I know how you feel. I dont even know what I'll do if something happens to my Oscar. All I can say is that you are one of the lucky ones. Lucky?? Because you got to share in the life of such wonderful man. Some people come and go and don't make a difference and other like Brad come only for a short time touching the lives of others in such wonderful ways and our life will never be the same. Every night before I put My son to sleep we pray and he always says to me that since he doesnt know what to say that hes sending the whole alphabet to God to make a nice prayer for his family, so I'll send God the whole alphabet to make a wonderful prayer for you and your children to give you serenity to accept the things we can not change and to help you with your loss. If I can do anything or you need help with anything just say the word. all my love, your friend;
Jen D. said…
I just stumbled across your blog from another crafter's blog. I am so sorry to read about your loss. I will be praying for you and your family.
Prayers for continued healing are going up for you. Your post is inspiring ... and yet I hope never to need your inspiration. I know you understand. What a story of love and belonging. You will always have that to treasure.

Beckie: I just came across this post, I think I missed it while I was on vacation and hit "read" on my google reader.

I'm so terribly sorry to hear of your loss and pray the strength of your family and the wonderful memories of you & Brad will help you get through this trying time.
Sorry to hear of your news Becky, saying prayers for you and your family.
connie paxman
Gina Wrona said…
Oh, Beckie, I can't believe it and I bet neither can you. Words can't express my deepest sympathies for you and your children. If there's anything I can do to lend a helping hand, please let me know.

Christ's peace & love,

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