Yesterday was a fun day. We spent the morning working on 'the fort' in the backyard. (read: the boys worked on the fort, mom couldn't breathe due to allergies, dang!) After that,I took my girls shopping and bought myself some new running shoes. My excuse for not running has been that my feet hurt. So, now that I have these cool new shoes, I went walking this morning. It was beautiful outside! I walked over a mile and totally enjoyed it. It felt good getting some exercise! After my walk, I came home and spent 3 hours making chocolate truffles. (dramatic pause)
LOL I have a Pampered Chef party tonight and wanted to share a new recipe my good friend Kimber gave me. I'll also be making these for my scrappin event on Thursday night so...if you want the recipe, you will have to come! We will also be making a recipe scrap page on Thursday.
Here is a tin I made for my sweeties with some truffles inside. I had to make a special package for him or there wouldn't be any left for him! I used a tin that used to have candy in it and covered it with a sheet of designer paper from the Ginger Blossom packet. I thought it looked a bit manly. I tied a big chocolate ribbon around it and added a strip that says "the GOOD stuff." This is a foam stamp from Creating Keepsakes kit of the month from a few months back. It is great with paint! I used white memory paint and outlined the 'good' with my chocolate marker.
I better go feed my kids before the festivities start!