I FINALLY figured out my watermark! Sheesh..you'd think I was attempting brain surgery or something! I ordered this cool watermark from Cindy(creativecards@shaw.ca) a couple weeks ago and just could NOT figure out how to get it on my pictures. She is a wonderfully patient person, I highly recommend her. She sent me several helps and I finally got it. I'm doing the happy dance over here! I am sure that if you want a watermark, it will be easier for you. It really wasn't that hard after I figured it out, I just didn't recognize the terminology she was using. Anyway! Since I finally got it, I had to post a picture using it! I made this little tri fold card this evening. I decided to open the stamp drawers and pull out a set I hadn't used in a while. This is the first set I bought from the current catalog. I just love it! I used it a lot at first, but it hasn't see the stampin light of day for months now. I was going for a bit of a manly feel here with the colors. I used Thyme for the base and chocolate chip for the stripe. I think I may have blown the manly feel when I added the bashful blue...(soft subtles!) so I tried to redeem myself by added some print pattern diamonds to the stripe. What do you think? Did I save it? Of course...the soft watercolored flowers on the front may have really been my downfall! Oh well...if I stick a gift card for Lowes inside there, all will be well!
On another note, I just have to brag for a minute. Tonight I went to a court of honor for my two boys that are boy scouts. I am so proud of them! They both were in full uniform and received many awards. My older son earned his first and second class tonight and is well on his way to Eagle. His younger brother received his Citizenship and is following right along behind big brother. We have some awesome scout leaders. I have such a strong feeling for the scouting program. It can make such a difference in the boys lives. I'm still on a high! Thanks for letting me share!