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Did you miss me?

I have been so busy lately....remember when I told you about doing what only YOU can do? Well, I decided to do that the last few days. I had tons to do...laundry, housework, actual work, errands, etc. Instead of doing all that, I spent time with the kids at home and at school. Today was Field day for my K and 5th graders. It was a beautiful overcast day with a slight breeze and bits of sprinkles now and again. Awesome weather for standing outside for hours watching kids compete in fun ways. I don't know who had more fun...the kids that were competing, the kids cheering them on or the parents watching (and cheering). It was an all around good day. So, my dishes are not totally done, my laundry needs attention, I didn't work out, but...I did spend time with the kids, read them stories at bedtime and make a card for my blog. I think my priorities are right in line! I don't know if I totally love this card, is growing on me. I wanted to do something with a circle window in the front. I pulled out my big punch...must be 1-1/2 inches in diameter, and punched through this patterned paper from the SU hostess set Friends and Flowers. I stuck the paper down and then punched another hole through the big hole and the white card base to create a white 'frame' around the hole looking into the card. It was a bit hard to center the second hole, so I punched a hole in some scratch paper and stuck it in the center of the hole and then used that as a guide. When I got the holes done, I stamped this little heart from the Figures of speech in the hole with basic black and used the blender pen and regal rose stamp pad to color it in. I decided the 'frame' was just a little too wide for the stamped image so I used my fingers to bend the edges of the paper towards the outside of the card. Almost rolling it. It tore here and there, but that added to the look I think. I tied a ribbon around the top of the card and added some gold mini brads to anchore it both visually and physically. I still thought the card needed a little something more so I used the doodle swirl from Doodle this across the front in black ink. I added some stickles to that and the bow on the heart and stamped a few swirls on the inside of the card I like it. It is something a bit out of the ordinary for me but...I think it works. ;o)


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