I'm not a very good photographer. It is sad, really...scrapping is SO much easier with good pictures! These pictures were a bit posed. I have found that printing pictures in black and white can be a real saving grace as well.
I actually wanted to be a photographer when I was in high school. I tried taking a photography class one year, during A hour. That is an extra class before the actual day started. I was bored out of my mind! Why did I need to know about a pin hole camera? I certainly wasn't going to use one of those! I dropped out. I tried again in college. I was going to major in Advertising (one of my many attempted majors) and so I had to take photography. I loved the dark room! I loved developing pictures. I loved taking pictures. My teacher did NOT love my pictures and gave me a D. Sigh...on to a new major. I think my problem is I am not a perfectionist. I am not a detail person. I like to do so many things that I flit about and do a bit of this and a bit of that and end up doing nothing very well. Is it better to know a little about a lot of things or a lot about one thing? I don't know! All I know is, the beach was AWESOME today! The weather was perfect. The waves were great, the kids all got along for the most part and we had a blast! I took lots of pictures...many of them will never be printed because they are not very good. I liked these pictures of three of my boys. (I didn't get one of Ethan like this, darn!) I decided to print them out in black and white and not have to worry about trying to match the ever elusive blue of the ocean. My inspiration for this layout actually came from the tiny strip of velvet ribbon below Ben. It just morphed from there. The patterned paper is, yes, you guessed it, the paisley stamp from SU in Taken with Teal. The paper is actually whisper white, but in this picture it looks a bit pink. (This is an example of me not taking good pictures.)I added a bit of color to the doodles using the aquapainter and the left over ink on the paisley stamp as a pallet. (clever, no?) I really liked the page til I added my handwriting...I was going for a Heidi Swapp or Elsie Flannigan look but, alas, it is more like a chicken scratch look. oh well! I hope you enjoy it. I will try and scrap the rest of the pictures tomorrow. I don't think I will be doing anything else...I'm to sunburned to move! AAH!
OH! I just had to point out that I used the Staz-on to stamp the date on the velvet ribbon in the upper right hand corner. I thought it was pretty cool...