Does anyone else out there have days when everything seems to go wrong? I tell ya....the vaccum, the washing machine, the plumbing, the sprinklers...in spite of all the things that seems to pile up on me today, somehow I was still able to have a good day. The kids are on Spring Break and we are just taking it easy! The vaccuum is broke? Great! I don't have to vaccuum! ( I know I can't spell that word) anyway, somedays it is great to just be a mom and enjoy the moment instead of worrying about all the stupid stuff going on around you.
The good new is, my sister had her baby on Sunday! She named her Quincie Cline. Isn't that the cutest name? I can't wait to meet the little munchkin!
So, I am sharing this card made with another new set called Living Large. The background is the AWESOME paisley background stamp in bordering blue, the girl with flowers is stamped in black and colored in with prismacolor colored pencils. This card kind of shows how I am feeling. My cup runneth over. In spite of all the little irritating things that happened today, I am extremely blessed! What a wonderful life I have. I hope you all take a few moments to count your blessings today. :o)