I am in the process up ....let's call it...."updating" my office. I am not cleaning, rearraning, organizing, I have used all those words in the past. This time, I am updating the room. I am attempting to make it more functional, attractive, and comfortable. I was actually thinking about purchasing more of those handy dandy clear drawers, but when I looked at what I had, I realized I had enough, I just needed to use them differently. I am really enjoying the changes I have made and I plan to take some pictures when I am done to share with you all. I know I love to see craft rooms and how they are set up and decorated, so I'm assuming you all do too!
This little clock is a new addition to my office. I ordered the blank clock from OTC for around $7 I think. I thought I was getting three of them, since the order set Unit = 3.... but no, they counted each hand of the clock as a part. Yeah. whatever.... So, I finally got around to personalizing it today. I used some basic grey paper I picked up at the scrap expo and wiped the edges with my new powder puff pads (these are awesome) and then glued it down using Perfect Paper adhesive (because it was on my desk). Then I used chip board words that all came in a kit from K&Co. I picked that up at the expo as well. What can I say? It was on sale and it came in the cutest little tin with a cute handles.....okay, so who isn't a sucker for cute packaging??? Anyway, I loved all the words. I decided this is a great little "goal" clock. All the words I used are things I hope I work on each day. Areas I would like to improve on in my life. I did add some stamping in the corners with the Carte Postale set from SU. It is retired....but I still love it!